
Making Real Money with AdSense

Many internet savvy people focus on the tremendous opportunities in dropshipping, affiliate marketing, and SEO, but totally neglect the revenue stream that they could be cashing in on: Google AdSense. Google AdSense has been around for a while now but many people are still using AdSense as a principal source of income. In fact, AdSense has probably created more online millionaires than any other online revenue opportunity.
What is Google AdSense?Google AdSense ads are those rectangular ads that you've seen on virtually every webpage you've visited. If placed correctly, you hardly notice that they're even there. A skilled AdSense integrator will effectively "weave" their ads into their website content to increase clicks. Using AdSense as a revenue stream can be more profitable than any other online venture. In fact, many people who have put AdSense ads on their affiliate landing pages soon began to discover that they were actually making more money on AdSense clicks than they were on their affiliate conversions. The main reason for this is simple: Clicking on a Google Ad cost nothing. Nadda. Zippo. But if it's your ad that is clicked on, you earn anywhere from $0.10 to $3.00 for each click. Can you begin to understand how you can profit from Google AdSense?
How Do I Earn with AdSense?Earning with AdSense is simple. Just go to Google.com/AdSense and sign up for your FREE account. After you've got your free account, you'll need a webpage to put your new AdSense ads on. Once your get your webpage up and running with your new ads on it, all you must do is effectively market your page so that you get visitors. In order for you to be successful at ANY internet based business, you will require traffic. Find a way to get a few 1,000 visitors to your site every day, and you'll be rich by year's end.
So How Do I Get Started?A lot of bloggers on the internet will tell you what you must do and give you a vague description of how to go about it, but I'll tell you, detail for detail, how to start a profitable AdSense business. To start a good AdSense campaign, you'll need to group together many good keywords. Keep away from the keywords that are very competitive, such as "work-at-home", "online business", "jobs", etc., etc. The key to succeeding in an AdSense business is to find a niche that is off the beaten path. Take "Golf Carts" for instance. Keywords associated with golf and golf clubs are very competitive, but golf carts - not so. So, find some odd keywords that are not very competitive and weave some context around them.
Now that you've got keywords, you'll need a webpage. Don't have a webpage? O.K., you'll need a doman and a basic hosting package (about $8/month), go HERE to find a good, inexpensive host to get started. Pick the one that suits you and get an inexpensive account. Now...publish your AdSense site and submit your page to the search engines. You must get your site spidered by the Googlebot before you'll get on Google - which is where you want to be. The fastest way to get your site spidered by Google is to put your link on a webpage that is already being spidered by Google. Once you regularly get crawled by the Googlebot, you can make adjustments to your page to increase your page rank. Once you start getting traffic, your clicks, and therefore your profits, will start to climb. Once you begin getting some regular traffic, your new revenue stream will be almost FREE. Now, repeat this about a dozen times (or a few hundred times) and you'll be making some serious cash.

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